Paul Newman is a gifted photographer, creative director and visual storyteller. His creative work has been featured and awarded in magazines and online design journals worldwide. His work has been shown in the Tate Gallery London, The Guardian UK and he has given numerous lectures internationally on the subject of visual communications to promote social responsibility.
Paul Newman believes that engaging stories ultimately promote and encourage social change for brands, corporations and causes. For over 20 years Paul has developed his expertise in visual storytelling, concept execution and strategic development while helping curate corporate social narratives for mid-level and large companies. While focusing on integrated campaigns, he has refined his ability to "translate" strategic ideas visually into incredibly beautiful, moving experiences. Paul possesses the uncanny ability to listen and speak with equal sensitivity. This quality has allowed him to delve deeper into an engagement and provide insight to areas that need further exploration and offer recommendations with focus and clarity.
Being committed to the idea that engaging storytelling that creates social change, Paul created a two-part documentary project called 'Shadows of a Revolution' that spanned 17 years. The project begins in 1997 be following the abandoned youth surviving on the streets of Romania after the fall of Ceauçescu. In 2009 he went back with a small pocket-size collection of images with the hopes to learn the whereabouts of any of the children he first captured in 1997. The collection of work shown in his portfolio represents his commitment to this extended project while illuminating the tragic circumstances of a failed social welfare system. This first-hand account of the children and youth surviving on the streets of Romania after the fall of Ceauçescu has grown into an international collaboration between the project and Save The Children. In 2012 Shadows of a Revolution was internationally recognized and designated a Blue Earth Alliance sponsored project.
For more than twenty years, photographer Paul Newman has sought to capture the human condition in times of social and economic transformation throughout the world. His visual collection is built on travels spanning more than 25 countries, including first-hand accounts of children surviving on the streets of Romania after the fall of Ceauçescu, a telling portrait of the impact of population growth in northern Mexico due to migration, objective observations of the Bikers for Christ motorcycle outreach and the low-rider culture in Española, New Mexico. Transcending the diversity of these images is the consistent theme present across his entire body of work, a poignant view of the common conditions and experiences we share regardless of circumstance. Exhibitions in the United States, Mexico, and the UK have expanded the reach of Paul Newman’s work, inspiring a broad audience through compelling imagery, and promoting education, outreach, and change.
Recognizing that businesses have a significant impact in providing equity to global economies, Paul founded a direct trade, craft chocolate company with his wife Ariana Lee-Newman called K'UL Chocolate. The word K'UL is a mayan word and translates to "the energy and interconnectivity of all living things." Through his work, documenting the world and providing consumers with a way to create change with their purchases, Paul is focused singularly on raising awareness while creating equalizing opportunities globally.
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